Feel free to plug in your headphones to listen to the audio while you watch these videos.
ancient life
Kristie Kish
Animation (1 min)
Song: Messy Grass by El Michels Affair
New Oyrk City
kristie kish
Before the 20th century, New York City was once known as the oyster capital of the world, harboring 220,000 acres of reefs. However, pollution and over-harvesting made the water filthy and lifeless.
Now, thanks to hundreds of dedicated New Yorkers, students, and organizations, New York Harbor is home to 13 active reefs that span over 7 acres of active reefs with 30 million oysters restored! ANDDDD they’re reproducing!
New York Harbor is the cleanest it’s been in over 100 years.
Animation (1 min.)
Songs: Treetop Trouble by Kristofer Maddigan, Drugs by Cristobal Tapia De Veer
kristie kish
Mixed media stop motion animation (39 sec.)
Song: It’s Only a Paper Moon by Ella Fitzgerald
loot conductor
kristie kish
This is a recording of real-time media / visual performance
Animation / Visual performance
Song: Loot by Jojo Mayer
kristie kish
A short film starring Rina Dutta
Film (2:22 min)